Can I Have Multiple SPF Records on My Domain?

When it comes to managing your domain’s email authentication, SPF (Sender Policy Framework) plays a crucial role in ensuring the security and deliverability of your emails. SPF records are DNS (Domain Name System) records that specify which mail servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain. However, a common question that arises among domain administrators is whether they can have multiple SPF records on their domain.

The short answer is: No, a domain MUST NOT have multiple SPF records. Multiple records create confusion, potentially invalidating all your SPF efforts.

Here’s a deeper dive into why multiple SPF records are detrimental:

  1. It’s the rule: The official SPF specification (RFC 7208) explicitly states that a domain can only have one SPF record. Having multiple records confuses email servers and leads to authentication failure.
  2. Authentication failure: When multiple SPF records are present, email servers cannot determine which one is valid, resulting in a “PermError” and potentially landing your emails in spam folders.
  3. Deliverability woes: Failing SPF authentication can significantly harm your email deliverability, as it’s a crucial signal for email servers to assess the legitimacy of your emails.

Alternatives to Multiple Records:

So, how do you manage complex email sending needs without violating the SPF rule?

  1. Merge, don’t multiply: If you have multiple SPF records, combine them into a single, well-structured record. This ensures clarity and avoids authentication issues.

Let’s say you have two records:

Record 1: v=spf1 mx ~all

Record 2: v=spf1 -all

Merge them into:

v=spf1 mx ~all

  • “include” mechanisms: The “include” mechanism allows you to reference other SPF records within your main one, simplifying management. However, remember the 10-lookup limit: each “include” counts as a lookup. Exceeding this limit can trigger authentication failures.
  • Subdomains: If you have distinct sending identities (e.g., marketing emails vs. transactional emails), consider using separate subdomains with their own dedicated SPF records. This allows for granular control without violating the single-record rule.

Remember, SPF is a cornerstone of email security, and having one, well-crafted record empowers you to reach your audience effectively. If you have any questions or need assistance with email authentication or SPF-related queries, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at +91-9820116312 or drop an email to