A step-by-step guide on “How to Publish a DMARC Record with DNS Made Easy”

Publishing a DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) record with DNS Made Easy is a relatively simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Access Your DNS Made Easy Account:
    • Log in to your DNS Made Easy account through their web interface.
  2. Select Your Domain:
    • Choose the domain for which you want to establish a DMARC record.
  3. Access DNS Management:
    • In the DNS Made Easy control panel, navigate to the Managed DNS section. This is where you’ll manage your domain’s DNS records.
  4. Create a DMARC Record:
    • Look for an option to add or create a new DNS record. It’s often labeled as “Add Record” or something similar.

      5.Click on the plus icon in the TXT Record section and follow these steps:

  1. In the “Name” field, specify the host within your domain. Your domain name is automatically added to this field. For instance, if you’re creating a record for the system www.example.com, you only need to enter “www” in the name field. Note: If you leave the name field empty, it will default to the root domain.

In the “Value” field, input your DMARC record.

  • In the “TTL” field, specify the duration your record remains in the cache of systems requesting your record (such as resolving nameservers and web browsers). TTL is measured in seconds; for example, 60 seconds is equivalent to one minute. Systems with static IP addresses typically have a TTL of 1800 or higher, while systems with dynamic IP addresses typically use a TTL of 1800 or less. A lower TTL requires clients to query name servers more frequently for your host’s IP address, leading to higher query traffic for your domain. Conversely, a very high TTL can result in downtime when you need to quickly switch your IPs.

6.Save the DMARC Record:

  1. Once you’ve entered the DMARC information, save the record to publish it in your DNS settings.

7.Verify the DMARC Record:

  1. It may take some time for the DMARC record to propagate. You can verify its proper publication using a DMARC record checker tool or DNS Made Easy’s own DNS lookup feature.

      8.Monitor and Adjust:

  1. Regularly review your DMARC reports and, if necessary, adjust your DMARC policy to improve email authentication and security.

Please note that the specific steps and terminology may vary slightly within the DNS Made Easy interface. If you encounter any difficulties or if their interface has been updated, it’s advisable to consult DNS Made Easy’s documentation or support resources for further guidance.